Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

We hope the information provided is helpful to you as a parent, but please address any further queries to Miss V Goode, SENCo, via [email protected]

Introduction - Miss Goode SENCO

Here at South Wirral High School, we are committed to offering a broad and balanced curriculum which ensures equality of opportunity and achievement for all students and which encourages academic excellence.
We have high expectations of all our students whatever their ability. From the beginning of their time with us, careful attention is given to identifying and assessing special educational needs in accordance with the Code of Practice, (2014).
Every student is entitled to the opportunity to gain recognised accreditation for their academic attainment. These must meet the child’s personal aspirations and allow progression to further study or employment.
We hope the information provided is helpful to you as a parent, but please address any further queries to Miss V Goode, SENCo (emails should be directed to [email protected])

1. What is the provision for students requiring SEND in school? /  SEND Provision

2. What policies do we have in school that identify, assess and provide provision for students with SEND? (All policies can be found on the policies page of our website)

  1. Admissions Policy
  2. SEND Policy
  3. Equality Policy
  4. Teaching and Learning Policy
  5. Assessment Policy
  6. Health and Safety Policy
  7. Intimate Care Policy

3. A. How does our school assess and review progress of SEND students? /      B.How does our school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for such students?

  • Through meetings including:
    • SEND department/Link/MIST/HLTA and TA
    • Multi Agency
    • FPL/ELT
    • Quality Assurance for every subject
    • Annual Reviews
    • For students with Education Health and Care Plans or Pupil Funding Agreements
  • Through Assessment:
    • Staff report six times a year in Key Stage 4 and 5 in all subjects. In English, Maths and Science, staff report six times a year in foundation subjects. Students who are under target or at risk of becoming under target are given Next Steps Advice to help them get back on track. For some students further intervention will be available
    • All students have a Progress Interview (one to one with a member of staff) to review their individual/personal progress
  • Analysis of Data
    • Analysis of data is embedded throughout the curriculum at all levels. It is taken from whole school assessment with SEND filtering applied
  • Intervention
    • A range of interventions are available for literacy, numeracy, self-esteem, social communication and word retrieval and pastoral care. Students are identified through baseline testing, progress is monitored on school tracking system and then exit criteria are applied.
    • Available Interventions, depending on a current SEND student’s needs include:
      • Telling the Time
      • Learning Hub – A dedicated safe space staffed with TAs at all times
      • Number Bonds
      • Paired reading
      • Reading for Pleasure
      • Phonics
      • ELSA
      • Times Tables
      • SALT interventions such as Chat Cartoons and/or Social Stories

Social communication and word retrieval/Speech and language approaches

4. What arrangements are in place for consulting students and involving them in their education? 

  • PLPs
  • Student Survey
  • Student Leadership Consultants
  • SEND students are involved in student voice
  • Assemblies
  • Annual Reviews – Person Centred Approached
  • The Hook Survey
  • Contributions to new staff recruitment

5. How is the curriculum adapted to meet the needs of SEND students?  

A range of strategies are employed to overcome any identified barrier to learning such as:-

  1. Small Teaching Groups – This provides additional support for students with low literacy and numeracy levels. Availability to this group is determined and monitored by the SENCo
  2. Strategic adaptation in subjects such as deployment of HLTAs/TAs. Individual adaptation and resources available
  3. Homework is tailored for small teaching group to ensure appropriate challenge and support at Homework club which is available every lunchtime
  4. The library promotes access and supplies colour coded books for all reading ages
  5. Tutor time interventions
  6. QA meetings between Deputy Head and FPLs to identify and describe adaptations to overcome barriers

6.AWhat expertise do staff have and/or what training do they have with regards to working with SEND students B.What are the arrangements for those with and without an educational healthcare plan to get additional support from outside the school?  Training of staff is in response to the present SEND cohort and their needs. Examples of bespoke training include:

  • ASC training with clinical consultants
  • EP training on behaviour modification strategies
  • Safe lifting for TAs
  • Intimate care training
  • Child Protection Training
  • Knowing your SEND students – creating and updating Pupil Passports
  • SEND training for new staff/associate teachers
  • SpLD
  • First aiders training
  • CPD opportunities in specific educational and medical needs
  • Rigorous Appraisal process

Working in partnership with/support from:

  • Health in Schools team
  • Solution focused practitioner
  • Education Psychologist
  • Educational Social Worker
  • Home Education Service
  • Hospital School
  • MEAS
  • Careers Connect
  • Wirral Autistic Society
  • Orrets Meadow
  • Paediatric Medical Professionals such as consultants, vision hearing support, speech and language, physiotherapists
  • Early Help Team

Other outside agencies such as:

  • Schools including Foxfields Special School, Claremount Sports College Special School, Tranmere Community Project and links to further education establishments
Risk assessments are carried out at arranged Healthcare meetings (e.g. professionals such as diabetic nurse, epilepsy professional etc. Healthcare plans and corresponding planning meetings are held where appropriate and when needed

7.What equipment and facilities do school have to support students with SEND? / 

Facilities include:

  • Small exam room
  • Exam breakfast club
  • Nurture Space
  • Homework Club
  • An extensive extra-curricular programme accessible to all students 

Specialist equipment (as directed by professionals) include:

  • Laptops
  • Coloured paper/overlays
  • Font Size
  • Evac Chair
  • Disabled Toilet
  • Electronic Equipment

8. How will their overall wellbeing be supported?   

All staff are responsible for the wellbeing of every child. There are a range of pathways available to all students to ensure their wellbeing is paramount including form tutors, class teachers, pastoral staff and the SEND team. All reported concerns are monitored, recorded and discussed at MIST and multi agency meetings.

9.How does school approach the transition between school phases and school and college?

Transition Support Year 6 – Year 7

A specialised team work on transfer visits to support Year 6 students transitioning to Year 7 at South Wirral High School. This team focuses on:

  • Transition team to gain information from primary schools
  • Transition Plus
  • SEN specialist introductory visits / sliding in sessions

Transition Support Year 9 – Year 10

  • Specialist Option choice advice
  • Careers Contect interviews
  • Enhanced Transition Careers meeting / support from the SEN team

Transition support Year 11 – Year 12:

  • 6th form advice – appropriate destinations
  • Careers Connect – Advice about appropriate pathways
  • Year 11 mentoring
  • Work related placement (Key Stage 4/5)
  • NEET identification and monitoring with individual mentor attached

School/Further Education

  • Careers Connect Links with college SEN Departments

10. What are the arrangements for consulting with parents?

Who is available for consultations:

  • Senior Member of Staff
  • FPL (Faculty Progress Leader)
  • Pastoral Team
  • Class Teacher
  • Head of 6th Form
  • SENCo

Reporting to parents through:

  • Annual reviews of EHCPs and Tier 3 Funding
  • Parents’ Evenings
  • Reports of assessments (up to 6 times a year)
  • Newsletters
  • Parentmail
  • Website/EduLink (Personal Learning Plan)

Contact with parents through:

  • Face to Face in person
  • Personal interviews as requested
  • Phone calls
  • Email
  • Parent Mail
  • Website
  • Letters

11. How are complaints from parents handled regarding provision made at the school?  

Complaints are dealt with in accordance with the Complaints Policy. Contact should be made to either:

  • The Senior Member of Staff on Duty
  • Head of Year
  • SENCo

All correspondence is recorded

12. Glossary of terms  

ASC Autistic Spectrum Condition
CAMHS Child and Adult Mental Health Service
EP Education Psychologist
FPL Faculty Progress Leader
LIST Learning Inclusion Support Team
MEAS Minority Ethnic Achievement Service
EduLink Virtual Learning Environment
NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training
PLP Personal Learning Plan
QA Quality Assurance
SENCo Special Educational Needs Co Ordinator
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SENNAT Special Education Needs Advisory Assessment Team
SLT Senior Leadership Team
SpLD Specific Learning Difficulties
TAF Team around the Family

  Updated October 2022

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