

south wirral high school Performing Arts Showcase Evening 2018
In December, for one night only we had our very first KS4&5 Showcase Evening which proved a massive success, a sell out on the night! Our audience was privy to exam pieces across 3 subject areas at GCSE, Dance, Drama and Music. BTEC Performing Arts Level 3 also showcased their Dance and Drama pieces surrounding...
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Students Explore Their Future Careers Options On Careers Day
As part of our Careers Information Advice & Guidance, Mrs Woolham invited in a number of visitors to speak to our students regarding what life after South Wirral High School and Sixth Form @ South Wirral could look like for them. In the morning, students took part in a carousel of talks and tasks from: ...
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Wirral Foodbank Website   MONDAY 24 Dec TUESDAY 25 Dec WEDNESDAY 26 Dec THURSDAY 27 Dec FRIDAY 28 Dec SATURDAY 29 Dec MONDAY 31 Dec TUESDAY 1 Jan Grange Baptist Church Whetstone Lane Birkenhead CH41 2QS                 St Anne’s Church Highfield Rd, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, Merseyside. CH42 2BY 12pm...
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Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative & Character As well as providing an extensive array of courses and learning opportunities within the academic curriculum, we want all our students to be confident, independent, self-disciplined, participators, performers, communicators, creators and culturally educated. Providing our students with an enriched curriculum and broad extra-curricular programme of activities, to fully equip...
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I should like to inform you of the arrangements we have made for the end of this term which is Friday 21st December 2018. Students will be dismissed from school at 12.15 pm.  They will be expected to go home and not loiter around the school area or the local area. The 623 bus will...
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On 1st December 2018 the way in which we send you emails is changing. Currently we use Parentmail to send messages to you. From December this will be changing to using EduLink One. You will see a difference in the look of the emails you receive and the emails will be sent from “South Wirral...
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This year marks 100 years since Armistice Day, and as a school we are planning an event to commemorate those lost in combat. On Friday 9th November, we will be welcoming guests to our school to observe Drama, Dance & Musical performances before a Remembrance 100 service held at the front of school. As our...
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The Geography and History departments are organising a USA Study Tour during June 2020 for approximately 8 days. The trip is for students currently in Years 7, 8 and 9 who will be taking Geography or History as part of their options. It is also open to Year 11 pupils who will be continuing their study at...
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After a number of queries from prospective parents regarding school applications we thought it may be useful to produce a list of FAQs to help ensure parents are informed about the options available to them.   I live in Cheshire can I apply for a school in Wirral? Absolutely, families who live in Cheshire can...
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