On Tuesday 9th June 2020 Wirral secondary head teachers met as a group with Public Heath Wirral and were reassured to hear from them that there are no public health reasons why we should not move forward with our plans for wider educational participation from the 15th June. Public Health Wirral was reassured by the detailed risk assessments that all the schools...Read More
Dear Parents, Following the recent government announcement we propose to open the school for year 10 and year 12 students from Monday June 15th.The purpose of this is to prepare students for year 11 and year 13 – their exam years. This face-to-face provision will be designed to supplement their home learning. Teachers will assess...Read More
Dear parent, The LA has asked all schools to share information with you about the possible re-opening of schools. School will not be open to year 10 and year 12 students on June 1st, other than for the children of key workers, children with an EHCP and children with a social worker. Thank you to parents who...Read More
Dear parent, Thanks to the very large number of parents who responded to my request for feedback on school life during lockdown. I will share all the feedback with all teachers and all subjects. Thank you for your overwhelmingly positive feedback and very constructive ideas on how we can further tailor our provision for students’...Read More
Dear parent/carer,A very warm welcome to all our new South Wirral High School students, and their families, who will be joining us in September. We are very excited to meet you all to welcome you to your new school. The process will be different this year as we are constrained by current circumstances, however, we have...Read More
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