Andrew Stewart


Dear Parents and Carers,Last Thursday the government released its guidance on the re-opening of schools in September. You can read the guidance here.The second page of this letter lists 9 requirements that schools must comply with. Our aim is to make the re-opening of school as comfortable, calm, and normal as possible. Our priority will...
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Dear Parent/Carer, We have been overwhelmed with positive feedback on the transition material and activities we have published so far. We are glad the videos have been helpful and we’ve loved looking through all the wonderful work completed by our new year 7s. As you know, we have been unable to run many of our...
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Military Style Education are running a number of ‘Commando Camp’ 4-day courses for 4-12 year olds throughout August at South Wirral High School. MSE are a team of Ex Military Mentors who support schools to improve children’s behaviour, resilience and well-being through a variety of courses and activities, including Assault Courses, Team Building, Bush Craft...
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Dear Parent,The school is now preparing for the return of all students from September.  Before the end of term we hope to share with you a list of the protective measures we will put in place, following consultations with staff and with Wirral LA. We will also share with you details of year 7 induction, both...
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Dear Parent, We have had a very successful week in school with our year 10 students. It has been great to see so many familiar faces. From Monday we welcome back year 12 also. Year 12 will have 3 hours of teaching for each subject each week. Year 12 students will be taught in a...
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Dear parent,We have had a very positive week of progress interviews. It has been great to see our year 10 and 12 students again.The school will be moving on to phase 3 of our re-opening from Monday June 22nd. Each year 10 student will come into school for one day next week for lessons of...
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a shot of south wirral high school
Dear parent,We are looking forward to welcoming back our year 10 and year 12 students for a one-to-one progress interview next week.All students should have been contacted to make arrangements for this.Our Risk Assessment is available for you to view on the school website.From June 22nd we hope to bring in year 10 students for...
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