We hope the information provided is helpful to you as a parent, but please address any further queries to Miss V Goode, SENCo, via [email protected]
1. What is the provision for students requiring SEND in school? / SEND Provision
2. What policies do we have in school that identify, assess and provide provision for students with SEND? (All policies can be found on the policies page of our website)
3. A. How does our school assess and review progress of SEND students? / B.How does our school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for such students?
Social communication and word retrieval/Speech and language approaches
4. What arrangements are in place for consulting students and involving them in their education?
5. How is the curriculum adapted to meet the needs of SEND students?
A range of strategies are employed to overcome any identified barrier to learning such as:-
6.A. What expertise do staff have and/or what training do they have with regards to working with SEND students B.What are the arrangements for those with and without an educational healthcare plan to get additional support from outside the school? Training of staff is in response to the present SEND cohort and their needs. Examples of bespoke training include:
Working in partnership with/support from:
Other outside agencies such as:
7.What equipment and facilities do school have to support students with SEND? /
Facilities include:
Specialist equipment (as directed by professionals) include:
8. How will their overall wellbeing be supported?
All staff are responsible for the wellbeing of every child. There are a range of pathways available to all students to ensure their wellbeing is paramount including form tutors, class teachers, pastoral staff and the SEND team. All reported concerns are monitored, recorded and discussed at MIST and multi agency meetings.
9.How does school approach the transition between school phases and school and college?
Transition Support Year 6 – Year 7
A specialised team work on transfer visits to support Year 6 students transitioning to Year 7 at South Wirral High School. This team focuses on:
Transition Support Year 9 – Year 10
Transition support Year 11 – Year 12:
School/Further Education
10. What are the arrangements for consulting with parents?
Who is available for consultations:
Reporting to parents through:
Contact with parents through:
11. How are complaints from parents handled regarding provision made at the school?
Complaints are dealt with in accordance with the Complaints Policy. Contact should be made to either:
All correspondence is recorded
ASC | Autistic Spectrum Condition |
CAMHS | Child and Adult Mental Health Service |
EP | Education Psychologist |
FPL | Faculty Progress Leader |
LIST | Learning Inclusion Support Team |
MEAS | Minority Ethnic Achievement Service |
EduLink | Virtual Learning Environment |
NEET | Not in Education, Employment or Training |
PLP | Personal Learning Plan |
QA | Quality Assurance |
SENCo | Special Educational Needs Co Ordinator |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities |
SENNAT | Special Education Needs Advisory Assessment Team |
SLT | Senior Leadership Team |
SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulties |
TAF | Team around the Family |
Updated October 2022