Dear parent,
Since I last wrote to you the government has adjusted its advice on the use of face coverings in school. I have recorded a short video for students on this matter – CLICK HERE TO VIEW
The key points are –
- Students can wear face coverings in between lessons on indoor corridors and in busy indoor communal spaces, if they wish.
- They cannot wear face coverings outside or in lessons, unless there are exceptional health reasons for doing so. In these instances, my personal permission must be sought.
- If students use buses or trains they must wear a face covering.
- Face-coverings must be stored in a plastic bag in between use. Disposable face-coverings must be taken home after use. They must not be left in a school bin.
You can read the full government guidance on safe use of face-coverings here.
You can still see my full video for students here
Thank you for your support,
Mr Goodwin