Dear parent,
We are looking forward to welcoming back our year 10 and year 12 students for a one-to-one progress interview next week.
All students should have been contacted to make arrangements for this.
Our Risk Assessment is available for you to view on the school website.
From June 22nd we hope to bring in year 10 students for some English, Maths and Science lessons to supplement our virtual curriculum.
From June 29th we hope to bring in year 12 students (as well as year 10) for 3 hours of lessons in each of their subjects.
We continue to cater for the children of key workers and vulnerable children.
Our virtual learning offer continues to develop and will soon include the use of “Google Livestream”. Our daily bulletin will highlight for parents where there are video, audio and interactive opportunities for students. Parents can also see what students are doing through our Weekly Bulletin.
Once again – we are really looking forward to seeing our year 10s and year 12 next week. Thanks to all parents for your support.
Mr Goodwin