South Wirral High School is delighted to announce that we have been selected to trial an exciting new programme which brings some of the greatest pieces of art into school – through two huge screens installed in the main hall and Sixth Form Common Room.
Just two other schools in the country will be taking part in the project – called ‘Sensations’ – which broadcasts stunning art images throughout the rest of the school year on screens used only for this purpose. The programming will not interfere with classes – and there are no exams! Everything – the screens, the art shows, the engagement – is free to our school.

A new art ‘exhibition’ will be broadcast every week, often on themes which are relevant to our school community. One exhibition, for example, is called Identity – ‘Who Am I?’ and explores the complex nature of personal identity through an incredible range of artworks from Frida Kahlo through Napoleon to Batman!
Another upcoming exhibition is ‘Masterpieces’ from the National Gallery in London. Alongside the classics, we will also see amazing contemporary pieces, including mind-blowing digital art. The initial exhibition is called Overture: Welcome to ‘Sensations’ with art from Van Gogh, Warhol, and others, and runs for two weeks.
Each exhibition is in the form of a 10-minute video that plays repeatedly throughout lunchtime, sometimes alongside student art and fun art videos. Outside of lunchtime, the screens display one featured artwork from the exhibition – a fresh work every day.

It’s not all one-way. Our students – no matter how ‘arty’ they may or may not be – will be able to submit their creations via their art teacher or Instagram and view them on the big screen, with prizes up for grabs.
Sensations is produced by Art In Schools, a charitable initiative of school media agency JazzyMedia Ltd. The more our school makes out of Sensations, the better our chances of retaining it next school year.