Duke of Edinburgh at South Wirral is ran by Mrs Barr who is the DofE Manager and Mrs Dennis who is the DofE coordinator.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Duke of Edinburgh App
Why don’t you download the DofE app from the Google Play or Apple App store? You can update your profile, upload pictures and your assessor’s reports right from your phone. It couldn’t be easier!
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an exciting opportunity for pupils in year 9 and above. It allows pupils to experience adventure, whilst improving their physical fitness, skills and also helping people out whilst volunteering.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award started in 1956 as an award for boys aged 15-18 who wished to complete a set of self-improvement exercises. Girls were allowed to participate from 1957. Now it is an internationally recognised qualification that pupils can complete between the ages of 14-25.
Colleges, universities and employers recognise the award and highly recommend completing it
“The essence of the DofE is about giving people independence, confidence and skills they wouldn’t normally have acquired and to make people ready for the world. Having something like this actually speaks a lot more about what you are like as an individual. It shows commitment over a period of time, the willingness to become independent and demonstrate a lot of the skills we are looking for as a business.”
“As a people-focused business, we are always on the lookout for new talent. Our approach is to recruit for attitude and train for skill – so achievements like a DofE Award really help potential applicants to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate the positive leadership behaviours we need in our colleagues. So, we are proud to support the DofE and would encourage any young person considering starting their programme to definitely do so.”
There are 3 different levels, bronze, silver and gold. Within each there are a number of sections to complete over a set period of time;
Skills– something you learn or improve e.g. musical instrument, language. It cannot be a physical skill
Physical – taking part in physical activity e.g. team sport or individual sport
Volunteering – helping a charity or organisation e.g. school club, Brownies, church group
Expedition – using the navigation, teamwork and campcraft skills to take part in a multi-day walk with camping overnight.
And at Gold Level a residential – 5 days away at a residential camp. This can be helping out at e.g. sports camp for children, or improving your own skills (drama camp, sports camp, outdoor adventure camp) or helping an organisation with field work. Please check that your residential meets the gold criteria first.
For more ideas please visit:
The expedition dates are as follows:
“It was fun. I loved being together and chilling out at camp. I learned how to ready a map, how to cook when camping and developed my teamwork”
“It was a great bonding experience. I made new friends, I’ve learnt lots of new skills. I developed my patience.”
“I enjoyed spending time with friends, and I enjoyed learning how to look after animals as part of my volunteering section”
“I enjoyed the independence having the responsibility of getting it done ourselves. It taught me how to be responsible and developed my skills for the real world
“It was hard work, but I enjoyed it. It was fun at the same time as I was spending a lot of time with friends, doing stuff you don’t normally do”