Dear Parent,
This year will see the re-introduction of student planners for all students at South Wirral. Students will bring their planner home to show you.
This is one of many initiatives designed to improve our school and we hope that parents will welcome planners as an additional way of communicating with us. We will also continue to use Moodle to share information with parents and students.
We will be asking parents/carers to look at the planner once a week and sign it. Please feel free to write comments for form tutors and staff.
Students should bring the planner to school every day and should write all their home learning deadlines down in it.
Every single student will receive a planner – they have been tailored specifically to Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and to Sixth Form. The Sixth Form planner is a “professional organiser”.
Thank you again for your support.
Mr Goodwin